Welfare recipients feeling our government would prefer us dead: a response to the Albanese’s first budget – part 2 

In the wake of the budget, the Antipoverty Centre asked people on Centrelink payments – the real social policy experts – for their reactions. This is the second in a short series. Contributions are attributed using Twitter handles. We encourage readers to follow each person to increase your knowledge through their expertise. 

Ashly R / @thisnameisgone
This budget is democide. This is social murder. They cannot claim ignorance of the deaths that keeping the welfare rate below the poverty line will cause. A number of them have even said during parliament that the rate is far too low to survive on, but when it comes time to change it they chose not to. 

Can someone with a doctorate in economics from a credible university with a special interest in inflation explain how it works to Jim Chalmers – I'm pretty sure he has absolutely no idea or actually wants to use it as a "bloodless" way of "reducing the burden" of "useless eaters". 

Jed / @FlyingDropBear
I have been trying to think all day in regards to how I want to phrase my feelings after the budget. I chose to wait some hours, because the emotion is almost too much to bear. 

I am disabled but not allowed DSP. 

I am a small (very small) business owner. 

I am stuck in Disability Employment Services because of mutual obligations. They want to know every single decision I make about my business. They want me to discuss delicate contract information I have been working on getting – in front of four other jobseekers. 

My diet consists of milk, and plain pasta. It's all I can eat because my teeth are completely ruined. Not a day goes by that I awake & DON'T think, “why couldn't I just die in my sleep...” I can't afford a dentist. My spine is fusing into a solid bar. Every single day hurts. 

I have had clinical depression since I was 6 or 7 years old. My first suicide attempt in poverty was at the age of 7. I rode my bicycle in front of a truck because I didn't want to be alive. Another attempt at 10. Then 12. 15. 17. 19. 24. 28. 32. I am 36 now. 

I only held small hope that Labor would do anything, but to be told the budget is for all Australians while my stomach growls, while people on $2500 a week get to pocket $150 more, while people on $500,000 a year get access to childcare subsidies. Labor kicked me in the teeth when I had already been ground into the dirt by a lifetime of Coalition bastardry. 

They have 100% lost me and any hope of my preferences forever. I see no way out. Nothing to hope for. Nothing to look forward to. I feel let down, betrayed, hung, drawn & quartered by both sides of the duopoly. 

I have had thoughts of self-immolation in the job network or Centrelink office. The system is so god-awfully horrible. 

Shame on anyone preserving the status quo – they have clearly sold their soul. 

It was a budget for the rich, creating even worse inequality. Punishing their victims, the poor, even more. Suicide, poverty, homelessness worsening. Many are in despair. We wanted poverty gone. Public education to be free. Asylum seekers helped. 

I have just had a horrible job agency visit. No matter how hard you try if you’re unemployable they’re going to treat you like shit and compare you to others anyway. And never help. It’s enough to make a woman Contemplate. 


A number of people on Centrelink payments have also written longer reflections, which you can access below, or read the messages we delivered to social services Amanda Rishworth at a protest held to mark Anti-Poverty Week here

Can’t eat resilience – Labor’s Budget had no pleasant surprises by @phonakins 

This Twitter thread from @CuddlyCaracal (you don’t need to have a Twitter account to read it) 

My budget reply by @artistaffame 


The Antipoverty Centre was established by welfare recipients in 2021 to counter problems with academics, policymakers and other members of the political class making harmful decisions on behalf of the people they purport to represent. Sign up to receive their updates here.