Leonora is an economist who specialises in gender equality. She is a Research Fellow with the Women’s Leadership Institute Australia and the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard University. She is a co-founder of the Women in Economics Network (WEN) in Australia and currently serves as the WEN National Chair. Leonora earned her PhD in Economics from the University of Queensland, and previously served as a Senior Research Economist for the Australian Government Productivity Commission. She is currently appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Economics at RMIT University and has contributed academic publications on a range of workforce, demographic, equality and disadvantage issues. Leonora engages regularly with government, industry, community groups and public audience on gender equality issues. She focuses on identifying evidence-based strategies to close gender gaps in economic outcomes and applying a ‘gender lens’ to economic analysis and policy design.

Behind the rosy unemployment rate, the health sector is under strain

Unpacking Australia's gender pay gap

When work becomes a masculinity contest

An economist's view: In a 'she-cession'​, we can't rely on 'he-covery​'​ policy fixes

Learning from Covid-19: Imagining a healthier and more just economy

Undervalued and unseen: Australia's COVID-19 frontline workforce

Rewarding competence – not confidence – offers a step toward equality